Wednesday 1 October 2014

We're Going through Changes

So hi...

Did you like my song reference quote thingy there. This is a random little post today, bit of a little chatty one.
So I used to technically call my blog a 'beauty blog' as 90% if not all my content was beauty related however, I think I wouldn't consider my little blog a beauty blog anymore but rather a mixture.

My favourite posts to write are lifestyle ones if I'm honest, and food I love little food pots and pictures. I love chatting about my life and opinions and just the things around me and I feel that my blog is representing that a lot more. I do still enjoy beauty posts and little opinions and reviews are still a thaang, I even do the odd fashion post in the form of wishlists and a few awkward OOTD's (which I hope to get better with)
Uni has also meant a lot of changes, with my daily Vlogging (have yet to edit these, bare with) and the huge change to my surroundings and usual routine, I feel this has also greatly affected me and the blog, as I explained before, during the last week I've had no time to sit down and blog, I'm very behind reading blogs and watching youtube, And I've really missed it.

But the main point to this ramble is just that my blog has definitely evolved as I've grown and changed my interested and my lifestyle has changed, my blog is a little bit of everything now. I hope that my readers ( all 50 of you!) won't mind these little changes and enjoy reading all my posts.

you guys may also have 4-5 days of posts to make up for my lacking content when moving, You lucky dogs you!

Do you mind when blogs change? or are you flexible if the content still holds your interest.

We'll talk soon lovelies!
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Much love guys!

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