Thursday 16 July 2015

Sharing the Love 1#

So hi....

You tend to see these posts every now and again of fellow bloggers sharing their favourite bloggers or instagram pages etc. I've never done these sorts of posts however so I thought it was about time I share 5 of my favourite bloggers and 5 of my favourite instagram pages! When it comes to instagram I love a good food diary instagram, they just keep me inspired to eat well and try hard.


Tea Party Beauty:
Hayley from tea party beauty just writes well and hilariously, I love the comedic but truthful sense to her writing which makes her blog a joy to read.

Water Painted Dreams:
Another Hayley opps. Water painted Dreams was one of the first blogs I really got into, she's a similar age to me and her blog gives me comfort, especially some of her lifestyle posts about university where I really feel I can relate, I also love her foodie posts.

Colours And Carousels
Charlotte is such a inspiration, She posts a mixture of things and I love them all, Her outfit posts are fab and makes me wish I looked as good and her baking posts have me drooling, She's gone through a lot in terms of Uni and her friendly way of writing made me feel like I was going through the journey with her as a friend.

Salt and Chic
What I wouldn't do to feel and confident and stylish as Amy looks, posting outfits daily on her blog she's a constant fashion inspiration and source of envy. It feels lie she can just pull off anything.

Dungarees And Donuts
Olivia is a lovely girl and another blogger I read often, she has such a friendly vibe on her blog that I really enjoy and trust what she's speaking about, she also has a mixture of posts and I love them all.


Luanna is a blogger of daily outfit posts she's everything I could every hope to be, Her hair is exactly what I wish mine could be and her fashion sense is just on point!

Molly Is actually the blogger I did a box swap with this time last year, as well as reading her blog I've fallen in love with her instagram. She's recently been on her fitness game and it's so motivating!

Possible my favourite instagram account Sophie posts all her meals, previously a instagram dedicated to fitness and weight loss ( she lost a lot go her) Sophie now concentrates on her own happiness and eating well.

A well known Youtuber already I love Helen's instagram as well, She's such a confident and empowering person and she puts up gorgeous photos, I love her style and her recent travel have me itching to go out and see the world,

Another food diary Keelie is also someone who has gone through amazing lifestyle change and has lost over 3 stone since her beginning her journey. Her food posts give me great ideas for meals and help motivate me on healthier eating and weight loss.

And those are 5 of my favourite blogs and Instagrams at the moment, These posts will probably 2 times a month and I'll be changing it up from which platforms I share, Such as 5 of my favourite youtubers next time.

who are your favourite bloggers and instagram pages?
Let me know down in the comments below!

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Much love guys!

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