Sunday, 3 March 2013

Chicken Fajita Time With a twist!

So Hi...
Okay guys now I made a video on my youtube channel explaining how I wanted to change the approach I have towards both my blog and my youtube channel! and In terms of my blog I'd like it to be more of a lifestyle blog! with recipes and things I have tried out in terms of cooking/baking and with fashion and make-up and give my thoughts opinions and advice!
Heres the video

SO Anyway. I was today at my best friend Ross' house and we decided to make Fajitas as I believe they are an amazing food that are full of flavour and really easy to make!
we also decided that as well as chicken... We'd add bits of bacon!
Now all my friends are typical teenagers in that we all love bacon and think it is the food of gods!
So 'm just going to tell you how I make my chicken Fajitas!
You don't need much really:
-Some raw Chicken ( it is easier if it is already chopped up)
-A Pepper
-An Onion
-chopped of pieces of bacon
-And the Old El Paso Fajita Set is what I use! This one was Original smokey BBQ

-Most the time I have to leave the chicken out to defrost the next day so make sure you do that,
Then chuck the chopped chicken and the bacon pieces into a frying pan with a bit of oil on a low heat and while that is slowly cooking you can chop the pepper and onion, Although make sure to turn over the chicken pieces regularly!
However much onion or pepper you use is completely up to you as it depends on your tastes!
- Once the chicken is starting to brown you can start to pour in the Spice mix from the Old El Paso Set, I usually put about half in at this point and keep stirring with a spatula.
-After a minute or so and the powder from the mix has all been absorbed by the chicken you can then add the peppers and onions into the mix, I then add more of the spice mix in order to add extra flavour into the peppers and onions!

-At this point you'll need to get the tortilla's out and stick them in the microwave to warm up for 30-40 seconds
-While waiting for tat as a last touch of flavour I add a few drops of the Salsa from the set into the pan and stir that in.

That's then basically it! after that it is simply adding a dollop of salsa onto each torilla and filling it up with the chicken & bacon goodness!

I did want a picture of them open while I was assembling them but Ross was very impatient to munch on these bad boys!

So yeah that's my chicken Fajitas! I honestly love them though as they taste so good and don't require too much work or too many ingredients!
Ross also wanted to try adding sliced sausage into the mix aswell as he loves his meat! Aha no innuendo intended!

Well Talk soon lovelies!
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Much Love guys!

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